Month: March 2018

  • Week X2: Gather ’round, childrens

    One of the bigger misconceptions about the Thinking Classroom approach (that I’ve already seen come up in discussion at my school) is that students are never shown a glimpse of how the teacher thinks about the subject. Peter refers to this as “leveling to the bottom” (I think he means leveling from the bottom), or…

  • Week X: Let’s Recap

    It’s Spring Break, I’ve made it this far. Now for the unfortunately-large task of figuring out which journal responses I’ve yet to catch up on … you know this whole blogging idea seemed great a few weeks ago … Going to make a big post of things I missed blogging about earlier, write until it…

  • Week 7ish: My Classroom is Thinking

    Journal-writing time for my class, and by that I mean, “hmm I’m three weeks behind now … wait, 1, 1, 2, 3 … dang it I’m turning into a Fibonacci sequence, this is bad!” First, an update on how my math classes are going. I’ve been sticking with (what I know of) Thinking Classroom strategies…