Month: November 2012

  • Week 4 Infographic Exercise: A decade of US unemployment

    So this week’s infographics MOOC exercise was another draft for an interactive infographic, this time on the unemployment rate per state in the US.  The assignment was based on another DataBlog post from The Guardian which showed a choropleth map of unemployment using data over the time of Obama’s presidency. The biggest problem was that the…

  • Noisy motion – learning from Generative Design

    I picked up a copy of the absolutely-beautiful book Generative Design recently and I am loving it.  It’s a perfect resource for where I’m at – exploring generative art, wanting to learn more but don’t need someone to teach me the basics of programming. It’s been great to find out how many techniques are much…

  • Infographic MOOC: week 3 exercise

    I’ve signed up for Alberto Cairo’s massive online open course on infographics and data visualization.  I’d been tempted by other MOOCs before and decided I didn’t have the time to commit to it, but this one caught me at a good time. The entire course has been very good so far, giving a great perspective…